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HTML string replace tags using jQuery

I have HTML string which contains various elements. Consider following is the HTML string -

var contentHTML = '<p>Some random string</p><p><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"><span some style></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 16.8px;"><b>Ingredients</b></span></p><p>Again some string</p><p><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p>';

My requirement is to get tag before and after each img tag. If tag before img tag is p tag, then replace it with <figure> and closing </p> with </figure> .

I tried looping through img tag and able to get image details perfectly.

How can replace elements before and after image.

$(this.content).find('img').each(function() {

String I require -

var contentHTML = '<p>Some random string</p><figure><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"><span some style></span></figure><p><span style="font-size: 16.8px;"><b>Ingredients</b></span></p><p>Again some string</p><figure><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></figure>';

Use replaceWith ( comments inline )

var $contentHTML = $( "<div>" + contentHTML + "</div>");

$contentHTML.find( "img" ).each( function(){ //iterate all img elements
  var $parentP = $(this).parent(); //get the parent element
  if ( $parentP[0].nodeName == "P" ) //check if the parent Element is P
     var innerHTML = $parentP.html(); //save the innerHTML value
     $parentP.replaceWith( "<figure>" + innerHTML + "</figure>" ); //replace with figure and retain saved html value


 var contentHTML = `<p>Some random string</p><p><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"><span some style></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 16.8px;"><b>Ingredients</b></span></p><p>Again some string</p><p><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p>`; var $contentHTML = $( "<div>" + contentHTML + "</div>"); $contentHTML.find( "img" ).each( function(){ var $parentP = $(this).parent(); if ( $parentP[0].nodeName == "P" ) { var innerHTML = $parentP.html(); $parentP.replaceWith( "<figure>" + innerHTML + "</figure>" ); } }); console.log($contentHTML.html()); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

use replace and regular expression :

 var contentHTML = '<p>Some random string</p><p><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"><span some style></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 16.8px;"><b>Ingredients</b></span></p><p>Again some string</p><p><img src="xyz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p>'; var result=contentHTML.replace(/<p([^>]*?)>\\s*?<img([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/p>/g,'<figure$1><img$2</figure>'); console.log(result); 

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