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Repeated call to C function crashes R - how to allocate memory?

I experience a crash of R if I call a C function (from R) repeatedly.

I am a newbie in writing C functions and I think that the issue of a R crash I am experiencing is the memory allocation in C. I know that one can free the memory in C, but I cant figure out how exactly and on which parameters. Can anybody help me out here?

I will post a working example here and my issue/question again at the end.

This is the C-Code (credits: the code is based on the code of the mcplr package by Marteen Speeklenbrink ( https://github.com/rforge/mcplr ).

#include <Rmath.h>

void gcmval(int *y, int *ny, double *x, int *nx, double *v, double *p, int *bt, int *et, double *w, double *r, double *q, double *lambda, double *theta, double *dist, double *sim, double *val, double *vpred, double *ypred)
  double syp = 0.0;
  double svp = 0.0;

  for(int t=*bt; t < *et; t++) {
    for(int j=0; j < *ny; j++) sim[j] = 0.0;
    svp = 0.0;
    for(int tt=*bt-1; tt < t; tt++) {
      dist[tt] = 0.0;
      for(int i=0; i < *nx; i++) {
        dist[tt] += w[i] * pow( fabs(x[i + tt * *nx] - x[i + t * *nx ]),    *r);
      dist[tt] = pow(dist[tt], *q / *r);
      val[tt] = exp(-1 * *lambda *dist[tt]) * v[tt];
      for(int j=0; j < *ny; j++) {
        if(y[j + tt * *ny] == 1) sim[j] += exp(-1 * *lambda * dist[tt]);
      svp += val[tt];           
    syp = 0.0;
    for(int j=0; j < *ny; j++) {
        syp   += sim[j];
    vpred[t] = svp / syp;
    ypred[t] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1 * *theta * (vpred[t] - p[t])));

R Code Here is a working example that uses the function we just defined in C in R. If I call the call to .C repeatedly, R will crash (on Windows 10). I need to call it repeatedly, and I am not sure how to do the memor allication.

if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
} else if(.Platform$OS.type %in% c("mac","unix")){

# Some fake input data
dt <- data.table(f1      = c(1,1,0,0,1,0),
                 f2      = c(1,1,0,0,1,0),
                 f3      = c(1,1,0,0,0,1),
                 choices = c(0,0,1,1,0,1),
                 prices  = c(1,1,3,3,2,2),
                 values  = c(.9,.9,3.1,3.1,1.5,2.5))

# Next lines just prepare the variables for the C-function   
   y <- rbind(t(dt$choices), 1-t(dt$choices))
   x <- t(dt[,1:3])
   w <- rep(1/3,3)
   v <- dt$values
   p <- dt$prices
   nx       <- nrow(x)
   ny       <- nrow(y)
   nt       <- ncol(x)
   bt       <- 1
   et       <- nt
   lambda   <- 1
   theta    <- 1
   r        <- 1
   q        <- 1
   pv   <- vector("double", length = nt)
   py   <- vector("double", length = nt)
   val  <- vector("double",length=nt)
   dist <- vector("double",length=nt)
   sim  <- vector("double",length=ny)
   val  <- vector("double",length=ny)

# Run this code repeatedly, it crashes R
   tmp <- .C("gcmval",

I think R_alloc is my friend, but I have trouble applying this.

I would be super happy if somebody could help me with a general introduction/explanation of how exactly to use the R_alloc function (there are some cryptic examples in the writing r extensions tutorial but I could not parse them), or any general explanation of how the memory allocation works (for somebody who knows R well but is a self-taught programmer).

Thanks for your help in advance /Jana

The problem is that you are defining the vector val twice:

val  <- vector("double",length=nt)
dist <- vector("double",length=nt)
sim  <- vector("double",length=ny)
val  <- vector("double",length=ny)

In the second definition the length is not correct since val has to have the same length as dist , not as sim . If I remove the second definition, the crash disappears.

I find it interesting that the crash is triggered only after repeated calls. I can trigger it right away by calling tmp or gc() .

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