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Upgrade NopCommerce Site

I am trying to upgrade a Nop site on the server. I think it was installed using the Web Platform installer. Whether I use the "No Source" option or I use the Web source code option and deploy / publish, I don't end up with a folder that reflects what is currently on the server AT ALL. My next option is to just install a separate web, go through the install process and copy the files over. The DB upgrade is a no brainer, since it is just an upgrade script. I am obviously missing something.... or not had enough coffee....

当前在服务器“ IIS”上分配的文件夹是什么

The reason for the different folder structure of 3.9 and 4.0 is the .net framework. 4.0 is using ASP.NET Core 2.0.

Folder Structure 3.9 -> 4.0

  • Administration >> Areas/Admin
  • App_Data >> App_Data
  • bin >> all binaries are now in app root
  • Content >> wwwroot
  • Plugins >> Plugins
  • Scripts >> wwwroot
  • Themes >> Themes
  • Views >> Views

Keep in mind, you cannot use plugins & themes of 3.9 in 4.0 without migrating them.

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