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Lambda expression and class method

I have a problem like this.

List<Absent> absent = new List<Absent>();
Console.Write("Please enter a full name> ");
string temp_str = Console.ReadLine();

absent.Where(x => x.Name == temp_str).Run(x = x.WriteConsoleTable());

How can I run a method after doing a filtering? Absent is a Class which has a Name variable and WriteConsoleTable method.

Seems like you're looking for the ForEach extension method but you'll first need to call ToList on the IEnumerable sequence returned from the Where clause.

absent.Where(x => x.Name == temp_str)
      .ForEach(x => x.WriteConsoleTable());

or you can iterate over the collection using the foreach construct.


foreach (var item in absent.Where(x => x.Name == temp_str))

You can try below options.

var absences = absent.Where(x => x.Name == temp_str);
foreach(var abs in absences)

or if you are sure you only need first match

var absence = absent.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == temp_str);
if(absence != null)

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