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React line chart using Chart.js

How can I implement dynamic chart in React using Chart.js. I have data coming from API every 10min and I want to populate chart with that data. Here is code for getting data

    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(json => this.setState({chartData: [...this.state.chartData, json[0]]})); 

Here is code for chart data

const data = {
          labels: this.props.data.date
          datasets: [
              label: 'Data1',
              data: this.props.data.entry

Passing props to Chart component

<Chart data={this.props.chartData} />

Line chart in component

<Line data={data}  />

There is a React wrapper around ChartJS available from the React team. It supports line charts. This may be simpler than building your own, or at least use it for inspiration.

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