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How to bind a yml object to a field declared as an interface that the object implements?

I have this java hierarchy:

interface Foo {
    // methods

class Bar implements Foo {
    // override interface methods

class Baz implements Foo {
    // override interface methods

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo")
class FooConfig {
    List<Foo> stuff = new Arraylist<>;

and this application.yml

    stuff[0]: { Bar }
    stuff[1]: { Baz }

But this does not work. I get this exception

Failed to instantiate [Foo]: Specified class is an interface

When i change List<Foo> stuff to List<Bar> stuff it only works for stuff[0]: { Bar }

You don't need any configuration properties/yml files to achieve this. Spring is intelligent enough to detect implementations of an interface.

Just do this.

class FooConfig {
    List<Foo> stuff;

Spring will automagically search all the implementations of interface Foo and autowire it.

NOTE: All the implementations should be a bean(in your case you have @Component on both Bar and Baz, so it should be fine)

You can even do

class FooConfig {
   Map<String, Foo> stuffMap;

In this case, spring will create a map, with key as bean names(by default it will be bar and baz)

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