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Skip wizard UI while silent installation of application using C#

I am working on C# console application. It has only single requirement. It should silently install .exe setup files. These setup file are generated from InstallShield or other product. I do not generate any setup file. I tried to install Notepad++ using this code as well but it is not wokring.

To be more specific and to avoid duplicate mark to this question, I already referred many links regarding same. Some of them are

  1. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/silent-installation-of-applications-using-c-sharp/
  2. C# code to run my installer.exe file in silent mode, in the background,
  3. How to run silent installer in C#

Code I tried:


ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.Arguments = "/s /v /qn /min";
psi.CreateNoWindow = true;
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
psi.FileName = newRenamedFile;
psi.UseShellExecute = false;


executableFilePath is path to .exe setup file.

public static void DeployApplications(string executableFilePath)
    PowerShell powerShell = null;
    Console.WriteLine(" ");
    Console.WriteLine("Deploying application...");

        using (powerShell = PowerShell.Create())
            powerShell.AddScript("$setup=Start-Process '" + executableFilePath + "' -ArgumentList '/s /v /qn /min' -Wait -PassThru");

            Collection<PSObject> PSOutput = powerShell.Invoke();
            foreach (PSObject outputItem in PSOutput)

                if (outputItem != null)

                    Console.WriteLine(outputItem.BaseObject.ToString() + "\n");

            if (powerShell.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
                string temp = powerShell.Streams.Error.First().ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", temp);

                Console.WriteLine("Installation has completed successfully.");

    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Error occured: {0}", ex.InnerException);
        if (powerShell != null)


Both OPTION-1 and OPTION-2 open setup wizard UI. There is no installtion process starts and no application gets installed on computer. There is no error while executing this code.


  1. Am I missing anything in OPTION-1/2?
  2. What is wrong with the code above?
  3. Do I need to make any specialize InstallShield Wizard to skip UI from this console application?
  4. Why is it not working even with third party applications (eg notepad++) ?
  5. How to avoid administration permission UI as well?


Console application must install .exe files silently. Setup wizard UI must be skipped. It is fine if console window appears. I do not want any UI to be appear other than console window.

Finally , I found solution and work around for my requirement.

Need to add app.manifest file to the WPF application with the following option. App must open with the Administrator rights.

<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

Change in script for silent installtion.

    private void deployApplications(string executableFilePath)
        PowerShell powerShell = null;
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        Console.WriteLine("Deploying application...");
            using (powerShell = PowerShell.Create())
                powerShell.AddScript(executableFilePath + " /S /v/qn");

                Collection<PSObject> PSOutput = powerShell.Invoke();
                foreach (PSObject outputItem in PSOutput)

                    if (outputItem != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(outputItem.BaseObject.ToString() + "\n");

                if (powerShell.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
                    string temp = powerShell.Streams.Error.First().ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", temp);

                    Console.WriteLine("Installation has completed successfully.");

        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error occured: {0}", ex.InnerException);
            if (powerShell != null)


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