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VC++ MFC application cant log mouse numerical coordinates

Im new to MFC and Im trying to create a quick application on windows to simulate a hardware/computer peripheral that I will later integrate with, when its available,however the hardware will send screen x & y coordinates.

I created a MFC application that captures mouse events & on mouse move event.

I'm able to capture the mouse move events, however the log does NOT show a numerical value for X & Y and instead outputs .cpp file path for X's value & and nothing for Y, strange?

See code snippet below:

  void CRingExampleView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
    I also tried declaring a new point POINT p and passing that to GetCursorPos(&p), but still now numerical output
    if (GetCursorPos(&point))

        TRACE("X:", point.x);
        TRACE("Y:", point.y);


    CScrollView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

        CScrollView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
    }//end function 

See the screenshot for log and the app:


How can I output the numerical x & y values?


The problem is that your TRACE statement needs a format string.


 TRACE(_T("X: %d"), point.x);

You can read more here:

MFC Debugging Techniques

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