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How to inject parameters into a class/trait method in Scala

I have a code in my Play Scala (2.5x, 2.11.11) app which has been running just fine so far (it is based on the following link: https://fizzylogic.nl/2016/11/27/authorize-access-to-your-play-application-using-action-builders-and-action-functions/ ). But now I need to pass another class instance to ApplicationAuthorizationHandler class (NOTE: throughout my code I am using Guice DI for injecting parameters into class constructors).

Current code:

class ApplicationAuthorizationHandler
   extends AuthorizationHandler {

trait AuthorizationHandler {

trait AuthorizationCheck {
   def authorizationHandler: AuthorizationHandler = new ApplicationAuthorizationHandler

   object AuthenticatedAction extends ActionBuilder[RequestWithPrincipal] {
      override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (RequestWithPrincipal[A]) => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = {
         def unauthorizedAction = authorizationHandler.unauthorized(RequestWithOptionalPrincipal(None, request))
         def authorizedAction(principal: Principal) = block(RequestWithPrincipal(principal, request))


//Example controller using this trait AuthorizationCheck
class MyController @Inject() extends Controller with AuthorizationCheck {
    def myAction = AuthenticatedAction { implicit request =>

Desired code:

class ApplicationAuthorizationHandler @Inject() (userService: UserService)
   extends AuthorizationHandler {
   // userService is used here

But since the instance of ApplicationAuthorizationHandler is instantiated inside trait AuthorizationCheck I can't inject UserService instance into it. I am Mixin this trait with all controllers so would like to keep the same way unless there is a better way (and there must be). First, is there a way to inject directly into class/trait method ? Alternatively, is there a way where I don't instantiate ApplicationAuthorizationHandler in trait AuthorizationCheck and pass it during run-time inside the controller ? Or any other way ?

A trait does not need to provide an implementation, so you can have something like:

trait AuthorizationHandler {

class ApplicationAuthorizationHandler extends AuthorizationHandler {

trait AuthorizationCheck {

  // just declaring that implementations needs to provide a 
  def authorizationHandler: AuthorizationHandler 

  object AuthenticatedAction extends ActionBuilder[RequestWithPrincipal] {
    override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (RequestWithPrincipal[A]) => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = {
      def unauthorizedAction = authorizationHandler.unauthorized(RequestWithOptionalPrincipal(None, request))
      def authorizedAction(principal: Principal) = block(RequestWithPrincipal(principal, request))


// So, now this controller needs to provide a concrete implementation 
// of "authorizationHandler" as declared by "AuthorizationCheck".
// You can do it by injecting a "AuthorizationHandler" as a val with
// name authorizationHandler.
class MyController @Inject()(val authorizationHandler: AuthorizationHandler) extends Controller with AuthorizationCheck {

   def myAction = AuthenticatedAction { implicit request =>

And of course, you need to provide a module to bind AuthorizationHandler to ApplicationAuthorizationHandler :

import play.api.inject._

class AuthorizationHandlerModule extends SimpleModule(

Of course, ApplicationAuthorizationHandler can have its own dependencies injected. You can see more details at our docs .

There are many cases when you cannot use the @Inject approach of guice. This is true when dependencies are needed inside of trait and also actors.

The approach I use in these cases is that I put my injector in a object

object Injector {
  val injector = Guice.createInjector(new ProjectModule())

since the above is inside of an object, you can access it from anywhere. (its like a singleton).

Now inside your trait or an actor when you need the user service do

trait Foo {
   lazy val userService = Injector.injector.getInstance(classOf[UserService])

Don't forget to make the variable lazy, because you want the instance to be created as late as possible when the injector has already been created.

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