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Rendering ordered reversed dictionary value in Django template


I need output with sorted value of Coverage attribute.

<tr >
            <th>Test Case</th>
            <th>File Name</th>
           {% for key, value in d.items %}
               <td>{{ key }}</td>

                   {% for k,v in value.items|dictsortreversed:"0.lower" %}
                        <td>   </td>
                       <td>{{ k }}</td>
                       <td>{{ v }}</td>
             {% endfor %}
           {% endfor %}


I need to sort dictionary based on Coverage attribute i'm trying to do by using dictsort:"0.lower" but its sorting based on file name attribute but if i use dictsort:"1.lower" value is not printing.I need sorting on value (Coverage).

Please do help me out.

In your views.py, import operator; in your context dictionary instead of putting the original dictionary, put the srtd.

import operator
original_dictionary = {}
srtd = sorted(original_dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

And finally in your html you can simply do

{% for key, value in srtd %}

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