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struct in class is not a type

I need some help with designing and returning a structure. I have done a similar type of structure and am getting an error saying:

"The a in class c is not a type"

How can I fix this?


struct a {
   int i;
   vector<abc> j;


#include <a.h>
class c{
    a a_;
    virtual bool execute();
    void compute(&a a1)
    a function_name();


  a aa_ = function_name();


c::a c::function_name()
   return *a_;

bh includes ah , a is a type at the global scope, a a didn't inherit c namespace magically

You'd need c::a if you had a declared inside c declaration:

class c{
  struct a {

So fix is to remove namespace from c::a :

a c::function_name()

note: the naming conventions used here (if there are some) don't help to understand those examples.

also: void compute(&a a1) doesn't compile, should be void compute(a &a1) , and return *a_; should return a reference so return a_;

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