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When i run heroku ps:scale web=1 command i am getting this error. Can anyone help me with this

When i run heroku ps:scale web=1 command i am getting this error.

▸    Missing required flag:
▸    -a, --app APP  app to run command against
▸    See more help with --help

Can anyone help me with this.

You have to mention the app name against which you intend to run the command from CLI despite having a single app.

When running commands from CLI, it is advised to always mention the app name using

--app 'app-name'

against every command.

If you want to avoid doing that, you can set your heroku git remote app repo to a specific app, using the command

heroku git:remote -a 'app_name'

That should help you not having to type the app_name every time.

About scaling the dynos, you can read here .

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