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X = np.copy(X) ... Is this really useless?

I am currently looking at the sklearn source code in github and I have encountered a line that bugs me. It's this one .

I understand the difference between copying by value and copying by reference (I guess the copy function from numpy is by value and x = y is by reference).

But clearly I don't understand the purpose of copying to itself the same variable as in

  • X = np.copy(X)

Can anyone throw some light upon this?

Thank you very much

That softmax function offers to run inplace in order to save a duplication op, therefore overwriting the input X with the result of the softmax.

The copy is here to avoid changing the input in case it is needed elswhere.

X = np.copy(X) replaces the original reference with a reference to the copy which is safe to modify.

How would you suspect that the function will look like if you didn't assigned it back to the variable it already defined.

def softmax(X, copy=True):
    Calculate the softmax function.
    The softmax function is calculated by
    np.exp(X) / np.sum(np.exp(X), axis=1)
    This will cause overflow when large values are exponentiated.
    Hence the largest value in each row is subtracted from each data
    point to prevent this.
    X : array-like, shape (M, N)
        Argument to the logistic function
    copy : bool, optional
        Copy X or not.
    out : array, shape (M, N)
        Softmax function evaluated at every point in x
    def _softmax(X):
        max_prob = np.max(X, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
        X -= max_prob
        np.exp(X, X)
        sum_prob = np.sum(X, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
        X /= sum_prob
        return X

    return _softmax(np.copy(X) if copy else X)

This makes the code less readable. Overwriting a local variable when preprocessing the variable is normally accepted as it makes readable code. Adding a second variable will make understanding the code harder. In my example I tried to create code that was as easy to understand without any duplication. But you cannot read this code serial anymore. You first need to read the last statement _softmax(np.copy(X) if copy else X) to understand how it is being used.

In performance this also introduces an additional call what you don't want in these low level functions.

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