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How to add column numbers to each column in a large text file

I would like to add column numbers to 128 columns in a text file Eg

My file

 12 13 14 15
 20 21 23 14
 34 56 67 89

Required output

  1:12     2:13    3:14     4:15
  1: 20    2:21    3: 23    4:14
  1: 34    2:56    3:67     4:89

Can this be done using awk / python I tried paste command for joining two files : one with the values other file with column numbers, manually typed. Since the file size is very large manual typing didnt work. As of my knowledge I could find answers for adding only one column to the end of a text file. Thanks for the suggestions

awk to the rescue!

$ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=i":"$i}1' file

should do.

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