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Cannot access a method in other class, but other one can

I have a class with 2 methods, but when I'm debugging I can access showLog() method but cannot access editProductCode() method from other class. This is my code:

class ProductCodeModel(private val mView: ProductCodeContract.View) : ProductCodeContract.Model {

fun showLog(){
    Log.e("====", "Can access this method")

override fun editProductCode(storeId: Int?, departmentId: Int?, name: String?, code: String?, unit: String?, isDynamicReference: Int?, minimumLimit: Float?, isActive: Int?, note: String?) {
            ?.editProductCode(storeId, departmentId, name, code, unit, minimumLimit, isDynamicReference, isActive, note)
            ?.subscribeWith(object : DisposableObserver<InventoryResponse>() {
                override fun onComplete() {


                override fun onNext(response: InventoryResponse) {
                    if (response.status == Constraint.STATUS_RIGHT)
                    else {

                override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
                    val msg = Resources.getSystem().getString(android.R.string.unknownName)

This is my declaration:

private val mModel = ProductCodeModel(this)
mModel.showLog() //I can access this method
mModel.editProductCode(storeId, departmentId, name, code, unit, isDynamicReference, minimumLimit, isActive, note) //I cannot access this method

ProductCodeContract class

interface ProductCodeContract {

interface View {
    fun getInventoryListSuccess(inventoryList: List<Inventory>?)
    fun getInventoryListFailed(msg: String?)

    fun createProductCodeSuccess(inventory: Inventory?)
    fun createProductCodeFailed(msg: String?)

    fun editProductCodeSuccess(inventory: Inventory?)
    fun editProductCodeFailed(msg: String?)

interface Model {
    fun getInventoryList(storeId: Int?, offset: Int?, limit: Int?)
    fun createProductCode(storeId: Int?, departmentId: Int?, name: String?, code: String?, unit: String?, isDynamicReference: Int?,
                          minimumLimit: Float?, isActive: Int?, note: String?)

    fun editProductCode(storeId: Int?, departmentId: Int?, name: String?, code: String?, unit: String?, isDynamicReference: Int?,
                        minimumLimit: Float?, isActive: Int?, note: String?)


Somebody help me...


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