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jupyter notebook stop SSL error

I'm running a jupyter notebook inside an ubuntu 16.04 docker container, as a non-root user, with SSL configured via a .pem file. My issue is, I can't perform the jupyter notebook stop $port command to stop the running server.

I start the notebook by executing sudo HOME=/home/seiji -u seiji jupyter notebook to change the HOME environment variable (which is chown'd as seiji).

I can perform the usual jupyter notebook list command by running it as the user ( seiji ) and feeding in the JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable where jupyter looks for json files containing server info. For example: sudo JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR=/jupyter/runtime -u seiji jupyter notebook list correctly returns: https://localhost:8888/:: /jupyter/notebooks (I specify the runtime dir in the config file in the usual way).

My issue is, I can't figure out how to execute jupyter notebook stop 8888 in a similar way. If I run it as is, it runs as root and tells me There are no running servers . If I run it as user:seiji , I run into SSL issues. As in:

> sudo JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR=/jupyter/runtime -u seiji jupyter notebook stop 8888 

returns an error. It begins: Shutting down server on port 8888... but then prints the following:

SSL Error on 10 ('::1', 8888, 0, 0): [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:645)

My guess is that it tries a 'http' address to access the server instead of 'https', but I can't figure out how to change this.

I've also tried passing the environment variable JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR which contains the config file listing the location of the .pem file with the line c.NotebookApp.certfile = u'/jupyter/certs/mycert.pem' . I've also tried explicitly feeding in the location of the cert when running from cmdline with --certfile=[location] but it seems this is ignored. Does anyone have any ideas?

This can happen if your certificate cannot be verified by whichever SSL libraries are used by Jupyter (I think the details have changed a bit over time). This is common if there certificate is self-signed - the default certificate stores may not be able to verify your issuer. I currently do something like this with my Jupyter setup script:

cat mycert.crt | openssl x509 -inform DER >> "$(python -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())')"

I believe if you already have the certificate in PEM form then you only need:

cat mycert.pem >> "$(python -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())')"

and then start it like this:

SSL_CERT_FILE=$(python -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())') jupyter notebook &

and stop similarly:

SSL_CERT_FILE=$(python -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())') jupyter notebook stop

The reason I use the certifi location and environment variable is that certifi appears to be the most-favoured package, and the environment setting appears to be respected by other libraries (including requests and built-in SSL modules).

The reason to also start the server with this updated file is so that notebooks can themselves connect to the server (eg for introspection).

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