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React-Native returning objects from nested array

I am new to React-Native and struggling to return objects from a nested array (Hopefully I am using the correct terminology).

I am grabbing my data from the tfl tube status api JSON is below:

   "$type": "Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Line, 
   "id": "bakerloo",
   "name": "Bakerloo",
   "modeName": "tube",
   "disruptions": [],
   "created": "2018-03-13T13:40:58.76Z",
   "modified": "2018-03-13T13:40:58.76Z",
   "lineStatuses": [
         "$type": "Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.LineStatus, 
          "id": 0,
          "statusSeverity": 10,
          "statusSeverityDescription": "Good Service",
          "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "validityPeriods": []
   "routeSections": [],
   "serviceTypes": [],
   "crowding": {}

I am fetching the data using Axios.

state = { lineDetails: [] };

componentDidMount() {
    .then(response => this.setState({ lineDetails: response.data }));

I am returning the data like this.

    renderLineDetails() {
    return this.state.lineDetails.map((details) => 
    details={details} />


 render() {
    return (

My TubeList component looks like:

const TubeList = ({ details }) => {
const { name, statusSeverityDescription } = details;
const { nameStyle, statusStyle } = styles;

return (
            <Text style={nameStyle}>{name}</Text>
            <Text style={statusStyle}>{statusSeverityDescription}</Text>


Is someone able to explain why statusSeverityDescription is not displaying in my list below.

Iphone Simulator image

Thank you.

Instead of statusSeverityDescription you have to use lineStatuses and map it for getting statuses.


const TubeList = ({ details }) => {
  const { name, lineStatuses } = details;
  const { nameStyle, statusStyle } = styles;

  return (
            <Text style={nameStyle}>{name}</Text>

        {lineStatuses.map((status) =>
            <Text style={statusStyle}>{status.statusSeverityDescription}</Text>


Thanks for all your comments. I have fixed the issue following Prasun Pal's comments. Below is my new code and screenshot of the working app.

 renderLineDetails() {
    return this.state.lineDetails.map((details) => 

const TubeList = ({ lineName, lineStatus }) => {
const { statusSeverityDescription } = lineStatus;
const { name } = lineName;
const { nameStyle, statusStyle } = styles;

return (
            <Text style={nameStyle}>{name}</Text>
            <Text style={statusStyle}>{statusSeverityDescription}</Text>


iPhone screenshot of working app

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