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How do get nested objects from an API with react-native

I'm consuming the QOD API and i can't seem to get the quote data from the Json. Here's what i have so far. I'm pretty sure i'm not mapping the data properly as the data is logging fine. (Please see the attached image), but i just can't seem to get it. I just need the author and imageUrl. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.


    export default class QuoteScreen extends React.Component {
         constructor(props) {
              this.state = {
                   loading: true,
                   data: null,
                   error: null,
     apiUrl = 'https://quotes.rest/qod';

     getData = (ev) => {
          this.setState({ loading: false, error: null });
          let h = new Headers();
          h.append('X-TheySaidSo-Api-Secret', '*******************My API key');
          let req = new Request(this.apiUrl, {
               headers: h,
               method: 'GET',
               .then(response => response.json())
     showData = (data) => {
          this.setState({ loading: true, data });
     ErrorMessage = (err) => {
          this.setState({ loading: true, error: err.message });
     componentDidMount() { }

     render() {
          return (
               <View styles={styles.container}>
                    {!this.state.loading && <Text>Loading</Text>}
                    <Text style={styles.txt}>Gimme Some Data</Text>
                    <Button title="GetData" onPress={this.getData} />
                    {this.state.error && (<Text style={styles.err}>{this.state.error}</Text>

                    {this.state.data && this.state.data.length > 0 && (
                         this.state.data.map((contents) => (

                              <Text style={style.txt}>{contents.quotes}</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
     container: {
          flex: 1,
          backgroundColor: '#F4C724',
     txt: {
          fontSize: 24,
          color: '#333'
     err: {
          color: 'red',
          fontSize: 30,
          fontWeight: 'bold'

You are putting whole array of object in Text which wouldn't be displaying anything

You need another map inside the current map:

!!contents.quotes?.length && 
 return <Text style={style.txt}>{quote.author}</Text>

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