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Python Requests in Postman Args

I have some problem with postman chrome; i want to convert my code (python language) to postman argument,

r = requests.post('http://localhost/assets/update', json={'id':['abcde'], 'bucket': 'fghij'}, headers={'Authorization':'klmno'})

to postman chrome (post),

  1. Header tab (Authorization : klmno) -- done
  2. then, the body ? < -- problem

i'm trying to solve but, the result is Error decoding JSON data. Error: JSONDecodeError('Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)',) JSON data extracted from the request

{'id':['abcde'], 'bucket': 'fghij'} is not JSON, it's a Python dictionary which requests converts to JSON for you. You need to use the result of json.dumps({'id': ...}) as the body in Postman. You will note it has double quotes instead of single.

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