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Using QCamera/QCameraInfo from a QThread

I have a Camera class that at the moment simply returns how many available cameras there are connected to the computer. A Camera object is created my PhotoProcessor class (QWidget) and then moved to another thread because I noticed some slight hanging when checking for available cameras:

in photoprocessor.cpp

void PhotoProcessor::GetAvailableCameras()
    //Create new camera to go and fetch number of cameras.
    Camera *camera_connection = new Camera;

    //Create thread and send away.
    QThread *thread = new QThread;
    connect(camera_connection, SIGNAL(CameraCountSignal(int)), this, SLOT(CameraCountSlot(int)));
    connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), camera_connection, SLOT(GetAvailableCameras()));
    connect(camera_connection, SIGNAL(CloseCameraThreadSignal()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
    connect(camera_connection, SIGNAL(CloseCameraThreadSignal()), camera_connection, SLOT(deleteLater()));
    connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));



#ifndef CAMERA_H
#define CAMERA_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QCamera>
#include <QCameraInfo>

class Camera : public QObject


public slots:
    void GetAvailableCameras();

    void CameraCountSignal(int);
    void CloseCameraThreadSignal();

#endif // CAMERA_H


#include "camera.h"



void Camera::GetAvailableCameras()
    QList<QCameraInfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();
    emit CameraCountSignal(cameras.size());
    emit CloseCameraThreadSignal();

When running QCameraInfo::availableCameras() from photoprocessor.cpp it says that there is a single camera connected which is correct, however no matter what I do, the threaded Camera object can never detect the camera ie size of cameras is zero.

What is happening here?

After a year, I decided to revisit this issue again.

I think in my actual code I created a QCamera object and when the thread was deleted, I deleted incorrectly and after the thread finished, I could not longer find any cameras using QCameraInfo::availableCameras().

Setting the parent of the new QCamera object explicitly fixed this issue for me ie

QCamera *camera = new QCamera(QCameraInfo);

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