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How to Get AWS Glue Client in Java

I am trying to invoke a Job in AWS Glue from my Lambda code written in Java. But I am not able to get the Glue Client.

Like we have DynamoClient like this -

AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion("us-east-1").build();

What would be the equivalent for Glue Client?

AWSGlueClient glue = null; // how to instantiate client
StartJobRunRequest jobRunRequest = new StartJobRunRequest();
StartJobRunResult jobRunResult = glue.startJobRun(jobRunRequest);

I am not seeing the AmazonGlueClientBuilder class. As I am new to glue, please let me know if I am doing it wrong or it there any other way I can use to invoke the glue job.

Also I am using the following Maven Dependency -


The equivalent would be


Most AWS Java SDK client 'builders' follow the below convention:

ServiceName serviceName = ServiceName ClientBuilder.standard()/default()...

There is one Glue 'instance' available per-account, per-region so something along the following lines should get you up and running.

AWSGlue awsGlueClient =

If your lambda is in the same region as Glue resources then simply use

AWSGlue glueClient = AWSGlueClientBuilder.defaultClient()

AWS Glue Client initalization and sample use in Java:

    AWSGlue glueClient = AWSGlueClient.builder().withRegion("us-east-1").build();
    StartJobRunRequest job = new StartJobRunRequest();
    StartJobRunResult jobResult = glueClient.startJobRun(job);

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