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How to view File Structure of a class in IntelliJ without opening the actual class file?

After 15 years on Eclipse, I'm slowing migrating to IntelliJ 2017 and trying to find equivalent ways of working. In Eclipse, I am able to press 'F4' on any member of my current class and see the structure of the highlighted member (including all it's member and methods) in the 'Hierarchy' view.

In IntelliJ I found the 'Alt-7' Structure view, but that only seems to show me the Structure of the currently opened class in the editor. Is there any way to see the structure of a highlighted/selected member instead (including it's private/public members & methods)?

For example:

public class CustomProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {

    private TokenStore tokenStore;

    public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {

        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();


In Eclipse, I would be able to highlight TokenStore or HashMap , press F4 and see the hierarchy of TokenStore (or HashMap) even though my current editor is still CustomProvider.

Is there an equivalent way available in IntelliJ (ie: without needing to open the TokenStore class) to view a selected class hierarchy (and it's members/methods) without needing to open the targeted class in the editor? Otherwise put, I would like to be able to view the Structure (Alt-7) of TokenStore while editing the CustomProvider .

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