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Android: SQLite database location

I created a SQLite database but I can not find it using Android Device Monitor: the Data folder has a + sign, but when I click nothing appears. I am using Android Studio Emulator with API 24. Is there any way I can find the database using Android Device Monitor?


There's a known bug on the Android Device Monitor when used against emulators shipped with API level 24+ . You can recreate your emulator with API level 23 or below. If you still get the same issue, you can use the terminal like:

Run adb root to give you the root permissions.

To see devices connected:

adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554  device

Run adb -s emulator-5554 shell to link this emulator. On successful connection to the shell change directory to the databases path:

cd /data/data/<your app package name>/databases/

List the contents of that directory and confirm if your database is there:

$ ls

From there you can then pull your database with the following command:

adb pull /data/data/com.packagename.app/databases/mydb.sqlite3 /local/path

You can use this library by mindorks to view your sqlite database.


I hope this helps.

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