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How to iterate through a 2D Array with a string of permutations?

I have a 2D array which is a square matrix 4x4.

First I generated the permutation of '1234' S = "1234124313241423........." (in fact it should be '0123', Let's ignore that for now.) if it's 5x5 it would be '12345'

I would like to iterate through a 2D array and sum every 4 elements with the following fashion:

  • The row-index follow the fixed pattern 1234,1234,1234.

  • The column-index is pulled from the permuted string.

input 2D Array which is a 4x4 matrix:


the 2D array can be represented as a[i][j], i for rows and j for columns, columns are pulled from S = "1234124313241423" chop every 4 digits from the string.

                                  index          index
Read from left to right

a11+a22+a33+a44    => 9+4+1+4=18     rows: 1 2 3 4  columns: 1 2 3 4

a11+a22+a34+a43    => 9+4+8+9=30     rows: 1 2 3 4  columns: 1 2 4 3

a11+a23+a32+a44    => 9+3+8+4=24     rows: 1 2 3 4  columns: 1 3 2 4

a11+a24+a32+a43    ...........


It seems like a standard nested loop won't do the job.

您需要有一个外部循环,该循环将不重复任何行时间...然后对于每个迭代,递增i和j并获得值S [i] [j]外循环可以像while(k <noOfRows) ..我要离开程序供您练习...

String s = "123412431324...";
while(s.length() != 0){
  int sum=0;
  for(int j=0, i=0; j<n; j++, i++){
    sum += arr[i][Integer.parseInt(s.charAt(j))-1];
  s = s.substring(n);

Your can perform like this. You need a outer loop which can slice up your string by dimension of your array and another loop for iterating through your array so that you can sum up the elements.[Check the for loop carefully]

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