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Using simple code to get the average (in Python) of an entire column in a csv file

I've seen similar questions, but never one that gives a simple straightforward pythonic answer.

I'm simply trying to get the average for the "high" column in a csv file.

import csv
import numpy as np    

with open('2010-Jan-June.csv', 'r', encoding='utf8', newline='') as f:
    highs = []
    for row in csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=','):
        high = int(row['high'])

My csv looks like this:


Using Pandas:

import pandas as pd

avg = pd.read_csv(r'/path/to/2010-Jan-June.csv', usecols=['high'], squeeze=True).mean()

Note, this is totally possible using plain Python:

import csv
import statistics as stats

with open('2010-Jan-June.csv') as f:
    avg = stats.mean(row['high'] for row in csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=','))


Since you imported numpy you can use that - almost as easily as pandas :

Reading from a paste copy of your sample:

In [36]: txt="""date,high,low,precip
    ...: 1-Jan,43,41,0
    ...: 2-Jan,50,25,0
    ...: 3-Jan,51,25,0
    ...: 4-Jan,44,25,0
    ...: 5-Jan,36,21,0
    ...: 6-Jan,39,20,0
    ...: 7-Jan,47,21,0.04
    ...: 8-Jan,30,14,0
    ...: 9-Jan,30,12,0"""

Python3 with numpy 1.14 likes to have the encoding parameter:

In [38]: data = np.genfromtxt(txt.splitlines(),delimiter=',',dtype=None,names=True,
    ...: encoding=None)
In [39]: data
array([('1-Jan', 43, 41, 0.  ), ('2-Jan', 50, 25, 0.  ),
       ('3-Jan', 51, 25, 0.  ), ('4-Jan', 44, 25, 0.  ),
       ('5-Jan', 36, 21, 0.  ), ('6-Jan', 39, 20, 0.  ),
       ('7-Jan', 47, 21, 0.04), ('8-Jan', 30, 14, 0.  ),
       ('9-Jan', 30, 12, 0.  )],
      dtype=[('date', '<U5'), ('high', '<i8'), ('low', '<i8'), ('precip', '<f8')])

The result is a structured array, from which it is easy to pick the high field:

In [40]: data['high']
Out[40]: array([43, 50, 51, 44, 36, 39, 47, 30, 30])
In [41]: data['high'].mean()
Out[41]: 41.111111111111114

Or in one line, loading just one column:

In [44]: np.genfromtxt(txt.splitlines(),delimiter=',',skip_header=1,usecols=[1]).mean()
Out[44]: 41.111111111111114

Here is my attempt at a pythonic answer using just csv library...

import csv
with open ('names.csv') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    print sum(float(d['high']) for d in reader) / (reader.line_num - 1)

Will have a divide by 0 if there are no lines in the file.

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