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Segmentation fault on string assignment in C++

Take a look at this example function:

RuntimeConfiguration* conf_rt_conf() {

    RuntimeConfiguration *conf;
    conf = new RuntimeConfiguration();
    conf->save="html, htm, php";
    conf->ignore="jpg, gif";

    return conf;

Everything here works fine, but when I run something like this:

DatabaseInput** conf_db_input() {

    DatabaseInput **db_input;
    db_input=(DatabaseInput **)malloc(NUMB_SITES*sizeof(DatabaseInput *));
    for (int i=0;i<NUMB_SITES;i++) db_input[0]= new DatabaseInput();



    return db_input;

I get segmentation fault on first assignment. It probably has something to do with the fixed memory block allocated for this struct. How do I get it to work properly?

I'd change

for (int i=0;i<NUMB_SITES;i++) db_input[0]= new DatabaseInput();

to this for a start:

for (int i=0;i<NUMB_SITES;i++) db_input[i]= new DatabaseInput();

Your code prompts several questions:

  • what is the declaration of RuntimeConfiguration?
  • why are you mixing the use of malloc and new?
  • what aren't you using C++ containers like std::vector?

First ... Did you never hear about (default) constructors? This reads like C code using "new", which is always a bit scary.

Second, all your newly allocated structures are stored at db_input[0] , which seems wrong.

At first look

db_input[0]= new DatabaseInput();

I think it should be

db_input[i]= new DatabaseInput();

It is also recommended to check the result of the malloc operation

您的“ for”循环不需要引用db_input[i]吗?

Maybe this:

DatabaseInput *db_input[];
db_input = new DatabaseInput*[NUMB_SITES]; // Creates an array of pointers
for (int i=0; i<NUMB_SITES; i++) db_input[i]= new DatabaseInput();

could work? (I didn't test it)

Note, to free the memory used, you should do something like:

for (int i=0; i<NUMB_SITES; i++) delete db_input[i];
delete[] db_input;

也许,您应该使用db_input [i]

We can't determine the error without more details. But a few remarks:

  • mixing new and malloc, specially in the same function, is really looking for trouble. Unless you have a really good reason to do so, do not do it, as you are very likely to use free on a new-allocated buffer or delete and a malloc allocated one.
  • you most likely have an error when you allocate individual DatabaseInput, as the index never changes
db_input[0]= new DatabaseInput();

It actually had the i instead of 0, I just tried several things out, and missed that zero there when copying source code, so that's not the answer.


db_input = new DatabaseInput*[NUMB_SITES];

That worked, thanks Gaston :)

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