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sas relative frequencies by group

I have a categorical variable, say SALARY_GROUP, and a group variable, say COUNTRY. I would like to get the relative frequency of SALARY_GROUP within COUNTRY in SAS. Is it possible to get it by proc SUMMARY or proc means?


Yes, You can calculate the relative frequency of a categorical variable using both Proc Means and Proc Summary . For both procs you have to:

-Specify NWAY in the proc statement,

-Specify in the Class statement your categorical fields,

-Specify in the Var statement your response or numeric field.

Example below is for proc means :

Dummy Data:

/*Dummy Data*/
data work.have;
input Country $ Salary_Group $ Value;
USA Group1 100
USA Group1 100
GBR Group1 100
GBR Group1 100
USA Group2 20
USA Group2 20
GBR Group2 20
GBR Group1 100


*Calculating Frequncy and saving output to table sg_means*/
proc means data=have n nway ;
class Country Salary_Group;
var Value;
output out=sg_means n=frequency;

Output Table:

Country=GBR Salary_Group=Group1 _TYPE_=3 _FREQ_=3 frequency=3 
Country=GBR Salary_Group=Group2 _TYPE_=3 _FREQ_=1 frequency=1 
Country=USA Salary_Group=Group1 _TYPE_=3 _FREQ_=2 frequency=2 
Country=USA Salary_Group=Group2 _TYPE_=3 _FREQ_=2 frequency=2 

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