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Pooling frequencies after multiple imputation in SAS

I have imputed data using multiple imputation using PROC MI in SAS, generating n imputed datasets. Now, I would like to report a baseline table with imputed values. However, I cannot find the right SAS code to do so. I've used PROC FREQ using a BY _ imputation _ statement, to get n baseline tables. I want to combine these n tables into just one, with pooled frequencies for every category of the covariates.

Apparently this is fairly easy in SPSS but not in SAS. I found some topics suggesting PROC MIANALYZE, which might be a solution, but the examples I found only considered estimates in for example regression models. Does someone have a suggestion on how to combine the frequencies from n imputed datasets into one pooled baseline table?

Many thanks!

I find a possible way for you from SAS Forum: https://communities.sas.com/t5/Statistical-Procedures/proc-freq-with-multiple-imputation/td-p/671680

As it says, proc mianalysze require point estimation and standard error of n times imputations, but proc freq doesn't compute it. So you need to use proc surveyfreq . Then, just programing like ususal:

proc minanlysze data = MyData;
  modeleffcts Percent;
  stdder stddev;

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