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Insert an array of objects into mongodb with nodejs

Now I am using clmtrackr library to detect emotions from the webcam and I want to save this emotions Here is my node.js code to save the values in mongodb

 exports.storeemotion = function (emotions, callback){

  var eshema= new emotioncollection({ 

    emotions: [emotions]
  eshema.save(function(err) {

  callback({"status":"emotion remote done"});

and the schema code is

var mongoose     = require('mongoose');
var Schema       = mongoose.Schema;
//var bcrypt         = require('bcrypt-nodejs');

// search results schema 
var ResultaSchema   = new Schema({

 emotions:[{emotion: String, value: String}]

module.exports = mongoose.model('emotioncollection',ResultaSchema);

emotions should be like that ( check this image ).

but the mongo saved an empty array ( check this image ).

The emotions parameters of your storeemotion function is already an array, so you just have to pass that parameters as is, not in another array:

exports.storeemotion = function (emotions, callback) {

  var eshema = new emotioncollection({ 
    emotions: emotions  // <= your schema already expects an array of objects
  eshema.save(function(err) {
    if (err) return callback({"status": "error"});
    callback({"status": "emotion remote done"});

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