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Installing GPU support for LightGBM on Google Collab

有没有人尝试使用 Notebooks 在 Google Collab 上安装对 lightgbm 的 GPU 支持?

make sure you followed the installation steps correctly

!git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM
%cd LightGBM
!mkdir build
%cd build
!cmake ../../LightGBM
!make -j4

after this you have to execute the setupfile in LightGBM folder

%cd LightGBM/python-package
!python3 setup.py install --gpu

Once thats done , you're all set. ps: make sure you have cmake installed, if not just

!pip install cmake

Very simple: just run

!pip install lightgbm --install-option=--gpu


pip install lightgbm --install-option=--gpu --install-option="--opencl-include-dir=/usr/local/cuda/include/" --install-option="--opencl-library=/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libOpenCL.so"

Remember to enable GPU support in your notebook and add 'device':'gpu' in the lightgbm setting. And don't forget to uninstall the version of lightgbm that don't support gpu version first.

Most of it was following the documentation provided here , with two small tweaks to make it work on Google Colab.
Since the instances are renewed after 12 hours of usage, I post this at the beginning of my notebook to reinstall GPU support with lightgbm :

    !apt-get -qq install --no-install-recommends nvidia-375
    !apt-get -qq install --no-install-recommends nvidia-opencl-icd-375 nvidia-opencl-dev opencl-headers
    !apt-get -qq install --no-install-recommends git cmake build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev
    !pip3 install -qq lightgbm --install-option=--gpu

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