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how to use create() orm methode with loop ? odoo10

I want to create a year and subscribe a student in it by using the orm method create() . I tried this way, but I don't think this how to do it. I use Odoo 10(new API).

class InsYear(models.Model):
_name = 'core.student.ins_year'

 student_id = fields.Many2one('core.student',string='Student',required=True)

def _year_creation_(self):

    for student in self.env['student_id'].browse():

and the student core is:

class Student(models.Model):
 _name = 'core.student'
 registration_number = fields.Char('Student registration number ',required=True)
 name_student =fields.Char('Student name ',required=True)
 surname_student = fields.Char('Student surname ',required=True)

Try like this,

def _year_creation_(self):

for student in self:

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