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Send email when multiple conditions across multiple columns are met - Google Sheet Script

This is my first time posting here and I'm a newbie when it comes to understanding code. I'll try my best to clarify what is the desired result and where I am at.

I have a "column A" which is a dropdown which contains Options "1,2,3,4,5". In the same sheet I have another column - "column B" which is a dropdown which contains options "A, B"

Desired Outcome - Whenever the user selects option "2" and option "B", an email should get triggered to a recipient.

Current State - I've browsed through this thread and Cooper's solution got me to a certain extent. However, I'm not able to send the email when there are two conditions to be met. This is how I've set the trigger - The function sendNotification --> From spreadsheet --> On Edit

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

EDIT - This is the code I'm using -

    function sendNotification(e){
     if(e.range.getColumn()==9 && e.value=='Approved'){
      var recipients = "blah@blah.com";
      var subject = "Custom Subject Line";
      var valColB=e.range.getSheet().getRange(e.range.getRow(),2).getValue();
      var body = "Custom body with variable - " + valColB + "from the sheet titled - " + e.range.getSheet().getName();
     MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body)

EDIT 2 - This was an alternate method I tried, but somehow even this did not work. It wouldn't work the moment I put in the IF statement inside funTwo.

function funOne(e) {
  if(e.range.getColumn() == 5 && e.value == 'Option 2') {

function funTwo(a) {
  if(a.range.getColumn() == 9 && a.value == 'Option B') {
    MailApp.sendEmail('blah@blah.com, 'subject', 'body')

Add a another condition with offset :

Try changing from

if(e.range.getColumn()==9 && e.value=='Approved'){


if(e.range.getColumn()==9 && e.value=='Approved' && e.range.offset(0,-1).getValue() == '2' ){ //if ninth column is edited to Approved and the corresponding eighth column is 2, then...

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