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How to get count and sum of records in SQL Server 2014?

I have a table that has the following fields:

  1. AccountNumber
  2. CurrentBalance
  3. StatusID
  4. LastTransaction

The StatusID can either be 1, 2 or 11.

I would like to show a count of the AccountNumbers in Statuses 1, 2 and 11 and Sum of CurrentBalance of all Accounts in each Status AND where the LastTransaction is older than 6 months.

My code so far:

SELECT Count(AccountNumber) NoOfAccts
      ,SUM(CurrentBalance) TotalBalance          

FROM Accounts
WHERE DATEDIFF (DAY, LastTransaction, GETDATE()) > 180
GROUP BY AccountNumber, StatusId

This code gives me individual rows for each account

|NoOfAccounts | TotalBalance | StatusId|
|           1 |       364.24 |        1|
|           1 |       856.25 |        2|
|           1 |       189.24 |        1|

and so on...

My sample Data is as follows:

|AccountsNumbr|CurrentBalance| StatusId| LastTransaction|
|      215481 |       364.24 |        1| 2018=01-05     |
|      215587 |       856.25 |        2| 2017=05-02     |
|      216744 |       189.24 |        1| 2017=03-21     |
|      548756 |       693.15 |        1| 2017=08-20     |
|      235687 |       547.69 |        1| 2018=03-21     |
|      895647 |       786.65 |       11| 2017=02-28     |

how about this below. Note the grouping. You had AccountNumber in the Group By.

--sample data
IF object_id('tempdb..#Accounts') is not null drop table #Accounts
CREATE TABLE #Accounts (AccountNumber INT, CurrentBalance MONEY, StatusID INT, LastTransaction DATE)
INSERT INTO #Accounts (AccountNumber,CurrentBalance,StatusID,LastTransaction) VALUES
(1, 100, 1, DATEADD(MONTH,-3, GETDATE())),
(2, 200, 2, DATEADD(MONTH,-4, GETDATE())),
(3, 50, 11, DATEADD(MONTH,-7, GETDATE())), -- older than 6 months
(4, 300, 1, DATEADD(MONTH,-8, GETDATE())), -- older than 6 months
(5, 10, 2, DATEADD(MONTH,-10, GETDATE())), --older than 6 months 
(6, 20, 11, DATEADD(MONTH,-12, GETDATE())), --older than 6 months 
(7, 5, 1, DATEADD(MONTH,-1, GETDATE())),
(8, 50, 2, DATEADD(MONTH,-2, GETDATE())),
(9, 100, 11, DATEADD(MONTH,-4, GETDATE())),
(10, 400, 1, DATEADD(MONTH,-11, GETDATE())) --older than 6 months

        COUNT(AccountNumber) AS 'Accounts',
        SUM(CurrentBalance) AS 'CurrentBalance'
FROM #Accounts
WHERE LastTransaction < DATEADD(Month,-6, GETDATE())

output - according to the temp table data, this is correct

StatusID    Accounts    CurrentBalance
1              2           700.00
2              1           10.00
11             2           70.00

If you need count for AccountNumber you should now use in count and in group by in the same query

so you should use

SELECT Count(AccountNumber) NoOfAccts
  ,SUM(CurrentBalance) TotalBalance          

FROM Accounts
WHERE DATEDIFF (DAY, LastTransaction, GETDATE()) > 180


SELECT Count(*) NoOfAccts
  ,SUM(CurrentBalance) TotalBalance          

FROM Accounts
WHERE DATEDIFF (DAY, LastTransaction, GETDATE()) > 180
GROUP BY StatusId,  AccountNumber

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