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How to convert from LPWSTR** to std::vector<std::wstring>

I have a function that works with std::vector, declared like this:

void MyFunc(std::vector<std::wstring> &vFillArray){
//fill the vector with wstrings

Now I would like to export my function in a DLL library and make it available to a vb 6 application. Using the library as it is, would crash the vb 6 application. I have to change the declaration to LPWSTR** (or wchar_t** I think) but now, how to reconvert this type internally in my c++ function? Internally I use std::vector to fill the vector with string. Any advice?

Assuming LPWSTR is the same as wchar_t , you can use the usual iterator-assignment constructors and functions of std::vector :

wchar_t const *raw_data[] = {L"Hello", L"World", L"Test"};
std::vector<std::wstring> vec(raw_data, raw_data+2); // construct with first 2 elements
std::wcout << vec[0] << ' ' << vec[1] << '\n';
wchar_t const ** raw_ptr = raw_data;
vec.assign(raw_ptr, raw_ptr+3); // assing 3 elements
std::wcout << vec[0] << ' ' << vec[1] << ' ' << vec[2] << '\n';

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