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SQL result missing a piece

I'll get straight to the point. I've 2 tabels:

1) poll_options

| (ID)  |  Name   |
|  1    |  0-5    |   
|  2    |  5-10   |
|  3    |  10-15  |   
|  4    |  15-20  |   
|  5    |  20-25  |
|  6    |  25-30  |
|  7    |  30-35  | 
|  8    |  35-40  |
|  9    |  40-45  |
|  10   |  45-50  |
|  11   |  50+    |

2) poll_votes

| ID |  (poll_options_id) | vote_count | woning_id  |
| 1  |         3          |      1     |    20      |
| 2  |        11          |      1     |    18      |
| 3  |         5          |      1     |    25      |
| 4  |         5          |      1     |    27      |
| 5  |         3          |      1     |    25      |
| 6  |         4          |      1     |    26      |

Linking them together is the ID from poll_options with poll_options_ID from poll_votes . I placed ( ) around them to make is visual.

I've made a query to show the total votes made for each answer.

SELECT o.name as answer, sum(v.vote_count) as total_votes_per_answer
FROM poll_options as o LEFT JOIN poll_votes as v ON v.poll_option_id = o.id 
WHERE WONING_id='$woning_id'
GROUP BY o.name

Here is where my problem is. It only shows the name from poll_options that have a vote. I would like to show all the name of poll_options and the ones where there is no vote yet, make them show 0.

for example (with current sql and woning_id=20):

| answer  |total_votes_per_answer|
|  0-5    |   1                  |
|  5-10   |   1                  |

What I want it to be:

| answer  |total_votes_per_answer|
|  0-5    |   1                  |
|  5-10   |   1                  |
|  10-15  |   0                  |
|  15-20  |   0                  |   
|  20-25  |   0                  |
|  25-30  |   0                  |
|  30-35  |   0                  |
|  35-40  |   0                  |
|  40-45  |   0                  |
|  45-50  |   0                  |
|  50+    |   0                  |

Is there something in SQL that I can use to get this result?

Your SQL is invalid, but it would work if you inserted and :

SELECT o.name as answer, sum(v.vote_count) as total_votes_per_answer
FROM poll_options o LEFT JOIN
     poll_votes v
     ON v.poll_option_id = o.id AND WONING_id = '$woning_id'
GROUP BY o.name

That said, you should be passing $woning_id as a parameter into the query. Don't munge query strings with such values -- they can cause unexpected and hard to find errors.

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