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Expose partial razor view into web api controller

I'm trying to use elements of the boilerplate Login view in a React app.

In standard ASP.NET Core 2 Identity projects, we have

@await Html.PartialAsync("_LoginPartial")

in _Layout.html . I want to expose this content in a controller, to get the content in a React app.

The idea would be to have in the controller something like this:

public async Task<IActionResult> LoginPartialAsync()
    return Content(await Html.PartialAsync("_LoginPartial"));

However, I cannot get to know where the Html comes from (sounds to be a IHtml<dynamic> , it's not Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html ).

Any idea ?

You don't need the HtmlHelper , you can use the PartialView method:

public IActionResult LoginPartial()
    return PartialView("_LoginPartial");

In the case the ASP.NET project doesn't have the directory Views but Pages which contains _LoginPartial.chtml , we need to provide:

    public IActionResult LoginPartial()
        return PartialView("../../Pages/_LoginPartial");

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