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Why there is no view<T> similar to std::string_view

I am aware that std::string_view is a non-owning reference to a string and the major differences between std::string_view and std::string are


Now, Why std::string_view is not applicable to other types ? or why this implementation is specific ONLY to std::string ?

For Example : if we have similar <T>generic_view where T can be of any type including custom types.

With this, instead of using const T& as function argument, <T>generic_view can be used. And also other advantages of std::string_view will be useful like Allocation, Copying etc..

There is a proposed non-owning type for contiguous collections of arbitrary objects.

std::span has been approved for C++20. (An implementation is available now, as gsl::span .)

It behaves like C++17's std::string_view , but the interface provides general container-like access, and doesn't restrict data access to const .

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