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I have to validate a text box in .NET MVC where the text box value is less than or equal the difference of two column values?

A Text box field has to be validated such that the value must be less than or equal to the calculated value (Difference between two column values). For example, I have two Columns TodaysDateTime and TomorrowsDateTime the difference between these two is calculated in mins this mins value is the maximum value for the text box.

Thanks in Advance!

if(Convert.ToInt32(textbox1.Text) <= (TomorrowsDateTime - TodaysDateTime))
    // show alert or error dialogue

Yes. You can validate at model level by using Custom Validation

(Assuming you are ready to prepare your model accordingly ie ViewModel ).

Your Model:

    public partial class Cal
        public DateTime todayDateTime { get; set; }
        public DateTime tommorwDateTime { get; set; }
        public int result {get; set;}


   class testValidator : AbstractValidator<test>
    public override ValidationResult Validate(test obj)

    if(Convert.ToInt32(obj.result ) <= (todayDateTime  - tommorwDateTime ))
            return ValidationResult.Success;  
            return new ValidationResult("Please Enter a Valid Dates.");  



At Your controller. you can simply check Model.IsValid

Hope this helps.

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