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Numeric custom filter with ransacker is not working

I am trying to make a new custom filter in ActiveAdmin of a rails application. When I put bellow code

filter :premium_scenes_in

it displays a input field as text input field (with option "contains", "equals" and etc) but I want an input field as numeric with option "equals", "greater than" or "less than".

I tried to use:

filter :premium_scenes_in, as: :numeric or filter :premium_scenes_in, as: :numeric_range

But each time it shows an error Unable to find input class NumaricRangeInput

This is my code in model

ransacker :premium_scenes,
  formatter: proc { |number|
    results = Tour.all.map{|tour| tour if tour.scenes.count > number}
    results = results.present? ? results : nil
   }, splat_params: true do |parent|

I think you meant as: :number . The supported input types are documented in the Formtastic README here

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