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undefined method beginning_of_day for string with ransacker custom filter

I'm getting below mentioned error. any idea how i can fix it ?

undefined method `beginning_of_day' for "2018-01-01":String
config.add_predicate old, arel_predicate: current
config.add_predicate 'gteq_datetime',
arel_predicate: 'gteq',
formatter: ->(v) { v.beginning_of_day }


Projects.rb (ActiveAdmin)

filter :project_event_date, label: 'By Project Event Date', as: :date_range


 has_many :project_events, dependent: :destroy

 ransacker :project_event_date do

According to the docs , beginning_of_day() :

Converts Date to a Time (or DateTime if necessary) with the time portion set to the beginning of the day (0:00)

A String is not a Date . So, convert your String to a Date and you should be good to go.



this will help you

ruby ransacker :project_event_date, type: :date do Arel.sql("project_events.event_date") end

ransacker block result should be built using Arel like it shown on Using Ransacker Guide

active_admin has custom formatter for predicate like
formatter: proc { |v| v.beginning_of_day }
so you need to convert passed value into date

best way will be to provide type or formatter to ransacker


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