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Is it possible to set first day of alloy-ui scheduler weekview to monday insted sunday?

I'am using alloyui scheduler and weekview. I want to show from monday to sunday, not sunday to saturday.

Is it possible to set first day of alloy-ui scheduler weekview to monday insted sunday? I want week view to show monday first and sunday last. Is it possible?

Here is my code:

YUI({lang: 'nb-NO'}).use('aui-scheduler',
        function (Y) {

            new Y.Scheduler(
                        boundingBox: '#myScheduler',
                        //eventRecorder: eventRecorder,
                        date: date,
                        items: events,
                        render: true,

                        views: [
                            new Y.SchedulerWeekView({
                                isoTime: true,
                                headerView: false


I found the solution. For anyone need it just add firstDayOfWeek: 1 to scheduler.

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