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Android Studio debug native code lldb server work infinity

I have Android app which are writed use Java and C++/JNI code. My C++/JNI part work bad. I want to debug native code. I work in Android Studio. I did all step which take official site

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But when I start debug I see line

Starting LLDB server

And he does not finish. I wait 30 min but he does not finish. What I must to do. Because I think this bug or I must to take some settings.

I found error. But I did not understand. When I test app from USB cable all work good. But when I want to test my app through wifi (I use Android Wifi ADB) LLDB Debug server start, but not attach to process.

If I debug java code use java debugger all work good.

All output in debug console:

Connecting to org.temp.test Waiting for application to start debug server Waiting for application to come online: org.temp.test.test | org.temp.test Connecting to org.temp.test

Now Launching Native Debug Session

Starting LLDB server: /data/data/org.temp.test/lldb/bin/start_lldb_server.sh /data/data/org.temp.test/lldb unix-abstract /data/data/org.temp.test/lldb/tmp platform-1524470360668.sock "lldb process:gdb-remote packets"

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