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document.getElementById().onClick() not firing on click

I have webpack on a vanilla HTML5 page in my Rails app.

I've got the onClick handler defined in Webpack with:

$(document).ready(()=> {
  document.getElementById('add-card').onClick = () => {

The button renders on the page as:

<a class="ui button" id="add-card">Click me</a>

Clicking it does nothing. However, within the console, I can see that the handler is defined:

ƒ () {

And when I execute it with document.getElementById('add-card').onClick() , it works perfectly!

How do I get my onClick handler to fire when the element is clicked?

Edit: For the picky observers, I have jQuery installed and configured properly through Webpack.

You are mixing vanilla js and jquery. You can either do

$(document).ready(()=> {
    document.getElementById('add-card').addEventListener('click', () => {

or you can do

$(document).ready(()=> {
    $('#add-card').on('click', () => {

When you do document.getElementById('add-card') you get back a Node, not a jQuery object, so there is no onClick (although there is onclick, but it's better to use addEventListener). If you do $('#add-card') you get back a jQuery object, so you can use jQuery methods on it.

Replace onClick by onclick :

$(document).ready(()=> {
  document.getElementById('add-card').onclick = () => {

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