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WebApi POST method with string parameter is always null

I have a POST method in my WebApi that takes json string as parameter.

public HttpResponseMessage GetOrderDataBySessionId([FromBody] string json)

I tried hitting it using RestClient with URL: localhost:56934/api/Home/GetOrderDataBySessionId

and specifying following json string in the Body:

  "ListSessionId": [

setting the body/content type as application/json . But when it hits my method, the json string parameter is always null.

Is it because I need to use a complex type in parameter?

Can we never have input in string?

By sending this content:

  "ListSessionId": [

You're sending a JSON represented with a proprerty ListSessionId typed as an array of string so your Web API action should be:

public HttpResponseMessage GetOrderDataBySessionId([FromBody] List<string> listSessionId)

Just change the string json to List<string> listSessionId .

I have resolved this problem.

Code in client:

            url: "/api",
            type: "post",
            data: "p1=1&p2=2"

code in server:

public string Post([FromForm] string p1, [FromForm] string p2)
    return p1+p2;

There are three key points:

  1. The parameter name must be the same both in client and server.
  2. In the client, there must be [FromForm] instead of [FromBody] in front of the parameter.
  3. You can add multiple parameters even, but the parameter names must correspond.

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