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Add Library Dependency Inside Android Studio

I want to search maven central inside the android studio to find my favorite android library.(I know it could be done with a google search and add library manually in gradle). But I found a sweet option in the android studio under Project Settings>app>Dependencies>+Add Library Dependency. I found there is some library listed by default but when I search for the library it shows nothing. For example when I typed in search field "butterknife" it shows nothing. Heres it is

快照 . But I noticed in the search description it says

Enter terms for Maven Central Search or fully qualified coordinates(eg com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.4)

As far I understand it search in Maven Central. if so whats wrong with my android studio/process?

It's a bug in searching for libraries portion sometimes it shows sometimes it doesn't but if you will type complete name like for example in your case 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.8.1' then it will give you the results all the time. So try searching through giving the whole name and also it's a good idea to submit a query for bug fix.


This issue is already resolved. Please update Android studio with latest version 3.1 and also update gradle with latest version 4.4

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