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Calling Kotlin function type from databinding Android

I have a BaseObservable that I use in databinding to display a network state. In this class, I pass in a retry callback that I want to run any time a button is clicked:

class NetworkStateViewModel(val retryCallback: () -> Unit) : BaseObservable() {
    var networkState: NetworkState? = null
        set(value) {
            field = value


    val isLoading: Boolean
        @Bindable get() = networkState is NetworkState.Loading

    val isShowingError: Boolean
        @Bindable get() = networkState is NetworkState.Error

    val errorText: String
        @Bindable get() = (networkState as? NetworkState.Error)?.error?.message.orEmpty()

However, when I try to reference retryCallback through data binding, it can't compile as it says it's cannot find method retryCallback() in class NetworkStateViewModel .

    android:onClick="@{() -> viewModel.retryCallback()}"
    ... />

I have found one work around so far, which I'll post separately as an answer, but I'd like to know if I can call this directly.

Just call invoke method of lambda:

android:onClick="@{() -> viewModel.retryCallback.invoke()}"
... />

One work around to this is to not call the function type directly, but instead write a function that does so:

class NetworkStateViewModel(private val retryCallback: () -> Unit) : BaseObservable() {

    fun retry() {


And in XML:

    android:onClick="@{() -> viewModel.retry()}"
    ... />

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