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How to format a decimal datatype in powershell as an ipv6 address in Powershell?

The only datatype in powershell that I'm aware of that can store 128-bits is the [decimal] and while I seem to be able to store the variable:

PS /home/leeand00/> [decimal]$ipv6addr=0x20010db81234

I don't seem to be able to pull it back out again (clearly that's a decimal):

PS /home/leeand00/>$ipv6addr                

And I thought maybe this would do it, but it does not:

PS /home/leeand00/>"{0:x4}" -f ($ipv6addr)
Error formatting a string: Format specifier was invalid..                       
At line:1 char:1
+ "{0:x4}" -f $ipv6addr
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: ({0:x4}:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatError

The above error doesn't make sense because...the datatypes is decimal

PS /home/leeand00/Documents/lifehacker organized/docs> $ipv6addr.GetType().Name 

PS, I'm aware there are tools for working with IPv6 in Powershell, but I'm just trying to perform some simple binary operations when learning about it.

PowerShell is just using the underlying .NET types and converters. The 'X' specifier does not support decimal input:

Standard Numeric Format Strings

Result: A hexadecimal string.

Supported by: Integral types only.

Precision specifier: Number of digits in the result string.

If you have a decimal, one option to make this work is to first cast to an int , int64 or uint64 (depending on size of input):

"0x{0:x4}" -f [int64]ipv6addr

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