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How can I get IPV4 address into powershell variable with IPV6 and IPV4 together?

I have a simple powershell script to capture IP Addresses from SCCM server by the MAC addresses list, like that:

$ServerName = Get-Content "C:\suport\macs.txt"  
 foreach ($Server in $ServerName) {  

 $maq = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/SMS/Site_G01" -ComputerName SCCMSERVERr -class SMS_R_System -filter "MACAddresses like '$Server'").IPAddresses
 Write-Output $maq


But, the output is IPV4 + IPV6 addresses...:


I need only the IPV4 output, like that:


Can you help me? Thanks a lot: :)

You could simply filter out the IPv6 by the colon.

$ServerName = Get-Content "C:\suport\macs.txt"  

 foreach ($Server in $ServerName) {  

     $maq = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/SMS/Site_G01" -ComputerName SCCMSERVERr -class SMS_R_System -filter "MACAddresses like '$Server'").IPAddresses | where {$_ -notmatch ':'}

     Write-Output $maq


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