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Entity cannot resolve symbol SaveChanges

I just added an entity object to my project. When I go to savechanges, it is telling me that it is not found.

Here is an example:


And the code:

public ActionResult Delink()
  var control = Logging.StartLog();
  control.ClassName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

    if (CurrentCustomerSession.Current.AccountGuid == Guid.Empty)
      Logging.WriteLog(control, "Redirecting to AddCustomer:Customer since CurrentAccountGuid == null");
      return RedirectToAction("AddCustomer", "Customer");

    var username = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToLower();
    var entities = new SuburbanPortalEntities();
    var qry = (from x in entities.UsersAccountLinks
               where x.AccountId == CurrentCustomerSession.Current.AccountGuid && x.aspnet_Users.LoweredUserName == username
      select x).FirstOrDefault();
    if(qry == null)
      return View("Error");

    qry.AccountId = Guid.Empty;
    CurrentCustomerSession.Current.AccountGuid = Guid.Empty;
    CurrentCustomerSession.Current.AccountNumber = string.Empty;
    CurrentCustomerSession.Current.Branch = string.Empty;
    //return View("");
    return RedirectToAction("AccountScreen", "Customer");
  catch (Exception ex)
    Logging.WriteLog(control, string.Format("exception: {0}", ex.Message));
    Logging.WriteException(control, ex);
    return View("Error");
    Logging.WriteLog(control, "End Delink");

I'm not sure what to check at this point. I have deleted SuburbanPortalEntities and readded it without any success.

Any suggestions where I look?

For future reference, I had 6.1.x installed of Entity Framework. When I checked the nuget packages, it showed 6.2.0 available. Once I updated to that version of Entity Framework, it started working correctly.

我通过将 Entity Framework 版本从 6.2.0 降级到 6.1.0 再降回 6.2.0 解决了这个问题。

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