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RxJava emit item with minimum delay

I have UserConfig that I would like to download during splash screen.

class UserManager {
    Single<UserConfig> loadConfig()

After downloading of the UserConfig , user is redirected to the next screen. I do something like these:

public void onResume(boolean isNewView) {
            userManager.loadConfig().subscribe(config -> {
            }, error -> {
                //some error handling

However, I would like to show the splash screen for at least 1 second . (If loading took less than 1s add extra delay)

I think .delay() , .delaySubscription() will not work for my case, since they will delay every request (no matter was it shorter that 1s or not).

Try Zip operator

Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function > applied to two items emitted by two other Singles.

You can do something like

        Single.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS), 
        (time, config) -> config
        config -> {
        }, error -> {
            //some error handling

My solution with kotlin extention function for Single type. This delay work similarly with errors

 * sets the minimum delay on the success or error
fun <T> Single<T>.minDelay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.computation()): Single<T> {
    val timeStart = scheduler.now(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    val delayInMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(time, unit)
    return Single.zip(
        Single.timer(time, unit, scheduler),
        this.onErrorResumeNext { error: Throwable ->
            val afterError = scheduler.now(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            val millisPassed = afterError - timeStart

            val needWaitDelay = delayInMillis - millisPassed
            if (needWaitDelay > 0)
                    .delay(needWaitDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler, true)
        BiFunction { _, t2 -> t2 }

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